::Third Eye Vision::

i like to probe. investigate the origins of things. the reasons behind the reason. i try to go after this with an insatiable appetite. guess that is why i loved history so much in high school. but in the past couple of years, my journey has led me on this search for the origins of Man, our untold history...and as mentioned in the previous post...what i found was amazing tales of ancient astronauts, so-called gods and goddesses, the existence of a galactic federation....star seed civilisations -  its all some Star Trek shit for real!! 

but today i thought i'd share some other interesting factor - ::The Third Eye:: or biologically speaking - the pineal gland - the Spiritual Third  Eye, our  Inner  Vision - it is considered the Seat of the Soul. but why "pine-al" ? well because it is shaped as a small pine cone! and so the interesting part begins. pay attention to the following:

this is a huge centrepiece in the vatican courtyard

notice the pinecone?

and here too

the pinecone staff

the pinecone staff

the staff with 2 snakes - alluding to DNA?

The pope even carried a staff with a pinecone at the base

so what is the significance of the pineal gland?

" The pineal  gland is  activated by  Light, and it  controls  the  various  biorhythms of  the body. It  works  in harmony  with the hypothalamus  gland, which directs  the body's  thirst,  hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines  our  aging  process. Considered  the most  powerful and  highest  source of  ethereal  energy,  available to  humans, the pineal gland has  always  been  important,  in  initiating  supernatural powers.  Development of  Psychic  Talents...  has  been closely  associated  with  this organ of  higher  vision. When  activated, the pineal  gland  becomes  the  line  of  communication,  with  the higher  planes.   The  crown  chakra,  reaches  down,  until  its  vortex  touches  the  pineal  gland.   Prana,  or  pure  energy,  is  received  through  this  energy  center  in the  head.   With  Practice,  the  vibration  level  of  the  astral  body  is  raised, allowing it,  to  separate  from  the  physical....." - StrayReality.com 

so were the ancients trying to tell us something by depicting the "gods" holding the pinecone? and does the catholic church know that consciously activating this gland in humans will practically free the human race? and if so, why isn't mainstream religion teaching about this? unless, they want to keep the people in the bondages of indoctrination and fear.

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